
  • 2016年5月2日
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In 1976, 来自加州的霞多丽(Chardonnay)和赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)与久经考验的法国葡萄酒进行了比较. 当然,人们期望法国葡萄酒能轻松赢得比赛. 当加州的葡萄酒轻松击败竞争对手时,引起了轰动,给整个葡萄酒行业带来了冲击波, and changed the industry forever (ruffling quite a few feathers in the process). This year celebrates the 40th anniversary of that infamous Paris tasting. To commemorate this tasting that changed the world of wine, we’ve rounded up 40 interesting facts surrounding the event.


巴黎品酒会(后来被称为“巴黎的评判”)是在人们期望法国葡萄酒优于新世界葡萄酒的情况下举行的.e. 美国)葡萄酒. American wines were included to show that interesting wines were being produced, but were not expected to outrank their French counterparts. No one could have expected that this event would revolutionize the world of wine.


史蒂文·斯珀, a British-born wine expert who ran a fine wine shop in Paris, 是品酒会的幕后主使吗. 他是法国葡萄酒的冠军, and decided to hold a blind tasting at the InterContinental Hotel in Paris.

3) 史蒂文·斯珀 had to work hard to purchase his wine shop.

经过原来的商店闲逛, 德拉玛德琳洞穴, 斯普里尔宣布他想买下它. 店主富格蒂尔夫人不愿把店卖给一个英国人,因为这家店对她已故的丈夫很重要, 于是他们达成了一项协议. 在她出售之前,斯普里尔在那里无偿工作了六个月,以证明他的承诺!


斯普里尔决定为居住在巴黎的美国和英国侨民开办一所葡萄酒学校. 还有Jon Winroth, 《AG体育平台》的葡萄酒作家, 两人打开了学院的大门, 英语葡萄酒学校. 生意很好, so American freelance writer Patricia Gallagher also started working for the school.

5) America’s bicentennial had a little something to do with it.

帕特里夏·加拉格尔向史蒂芬·斯普里尔介绍了即将举行的美国独立200周年庆祝活动. 他们认为,为了配合美国的庆祝活动,举办一场盲品会很有趣,其中包括一些美国葡萄酒. 他们大多希望这会引起人们对他的商店的注意, 但我们也很兴奋地展示了美国葡萄酒酿造中发生的有趣的事情.

6) Spurrier wasn’t very familiar with the California wines of the day.

Although he had tried some of the American wines available in Paris, Spurrier didn’t have access to the best California wines being produced. 帕特里夏·加拉格尔(Patricia Gallagher)参观了该地区,并带回了一些ag体育正规葡萄酒的样品.

7) Spurrier and his wife visited California to acquire the wines for the tasting.

1976年3月,斯普里尔访问了加州的酒庄,为巴黎品酒会寻找合适的葡萄酒. He didn’t tell the wineries that he was planning to hold a blind tasting with the wines; he just visited the wineries and made some purchases. 他挑选了六款霞多丽和六款赤霞珠.

8) They didn’t know how to get the California wines to the tasting in Paris.

After purchasing two bottles of each wine for the blind tasting, Spurrier had acquired 24 bottles of California wine on his trip, 太多了,不能作为行李带回家. 实际上,这些葡萄酒是作为旅行团的行李被带到巴黎的.

9) The judges were the most prominent French wine experts of the day.

史蒂文·斯珀和Patricia Gallagher对葡萄酒进行了评级, 与法国葡萄酒专家并肩作战, but the scores of Spurrier and Gallagher were not included in the results.


The judges were told to grade their wines out of 20 points, yet no specific framework was provided for how to grade the wines. 评委们根据自己的标准打分.


标签被盖住了, 所以评委们不知道他们品尝的是哪种酒, 或者他们是法国人还是美国人.

12) The tasting included the best French wines of the day.

白葡萄酒包括1973年的默索魅力, 1973年的博恩·克洛斯·德·穆奇, 一瓶1973年的蒙拉榭红葡萄酒, 还有1972年的普利尼-蒙拉榭酒. 红葡萄酒包括1970年的木桐-罗斯柴尔德酒庄, 1970年的ch teau Haut Brion, 一瓶1970年产自圣埃斯蒂的蒙特罗斯红葡萄酒, 1971年圣于连的chalteau lsamoville - las - cases.


尽管这让评委们感到震惊, ag体育正规葡萄酒在红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒类别中都超过了法国葡萄酒.


Chateau Montelena’s 1973 Chardonnay won first place in the white wine competition. This was only the second vintage of wine produced by the winery. 参观将于2016年5月24日举行的酒庄开放日.


作为一个新的酿酒厂, 蒙特莱娜酒庄当时正在种植新的葡萄藤,但这些葡萄藤要再过几年才能结出可收获的果实. 他们从葡萄种植者约翰·汉纳(John Hanna)那里购买了制作获奖霞多丽(Chardonnay)的葡萄, 李Paschich, 和亨利·迪克. Most of these grapes were actually grown in 索诺玛 County, although the wine was made at Chateau Montelena in Calistoga.

16) The winning Chardonnay originally retailed for a low, low price.

When Chateau Montelena announced the release of their 1973 Chardonnay, 酿酒厂老板吉姆·巴雷特(Jim Barrett)推荐6美元的葡萄酒.每瓶零售价50美元.

17) Stag’s Leap 酒 Cellars won the red wine competition.

牡跃酒窖1973年出品的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)在红酒比赛中获得第一名. 沃伦·维尼亚斯基(Warren Winiarski)是酿酒师.

18) 1,800 bottles of the winning Cabernet Sauvignon were produced.

鹿跃酒窖生产1,800瓶获奖红酒, 是沃伦·维尼亚斯基装的吗, along with the help of his wife and their three children.

19)获胜的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的售价甚至低于获胜的霞多丽(Chardonnay).

When Stag’s Leap 酒 Cellars first began selling their 1973 Cabernet Sauvignon, Winiarski determined that the bottle should be sold for around $6. 餐厅 and retailers were sold 12-bottle cases at $48 each.


结果报告后, the participating California wineries saw a huge increase in interest.


Although 史蒂文·斯珀 had invited many reporters to the event, George M. 《AG体育平台》杂志的泰伯是唯一出席的人.


Journalist George Taber would later chronicle the story in his book, 《巴黎的审判,” in 2005, 以"澄清事实"为目标.


《AG体育平台》杂志(Time Magazine)最初只发表了四段话,讲述了这一开启葡萄酒新时代的事件. The French media wrote dismissive remarks about the event.

24) Grgich Hills Estates has roots dating back to the tasting.

酒庄创始人米连科·“迈克”·格里奇是1973年蒙特莱纳酒庄的酿酒师. He then partnered with Austin Hills to create family-run Grgich Hills in 1977. 读一下格里奇对他生活中的事件的看法, 包括参加巴黎品酒会, 在他的自传中, 《充满奇迹的杯子.”

沃伦·维尼亚斯基(Warren Winiarski)在红酒冠军的后面.



听完结果后, the French judges believed that if the wines were re-tasted in 30 years, 加州的葡萄酒就不能喝了. On May 24, 2006, simultaneous tastings were held in 纳帕 and in London. The re-enactment proved that California wines pass the test of time.

Ridge Vineyards也参加了红酒比赛,而且随着时间的推移,它的成绩越来越好.

山脊葡萄园1971年的蒙特贝罗赤霞珠, 来自圣克鲁斯山脉AVA, 在红酒比赛中获得第五名. 2006年在纳帕和伦敦举行的30周年重新品酒会上,这款酒被评为第一名.


Heitz’ 1970 Martha’s Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon was entered into the tasting. 1966年,乔·海茨酿造了第一批葡萄酒, he included a vineyard designation that was not yet commonplace. 他将这一概念引入ag体育正规葡萄酒.

29) Clos Du Val’s debut vintage of red wine was entered in the Paris Tasting.

Clos du Val的1972年赤霞珠是六种加州赤霞珠中的一种,入选了最初的品酒. 这只是酿酒厂第一次生产的葡萄酒! 十年后,在十周年重赛的红酒品鉴会上,它获得了第一名.

30) Mayacamas Vineyards ranked second among the red wines in the Paris Tasting.

The Mayacamas Vineyards 1971 Cabernet Sauvignon was included in the Paris tasting, although owner Robert Travers did not think think the wine was ready to drink yet, 因为当时它还没有正式发布. 令人惊讶的是,它在比赛中获得了第二名.

31) Freemark Abbey是加州唯一一家有两款葡萄酒入选巴黎品酒会的酒庄.

Freemark Abbey的葡萄酒在这两个类别中都有入围——1969年的Freemark Abbey赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)在红酒品酒中都有入围, 以及1972年的霞多丽白葡萄酒品鉴会.

32) Chalone Vineyard impressed the judges in the white wine competition, 还有其他著名的品酒师.

夏龙葡萄园1974年的霞多丽, 蒙特雷县查龙AVA的人, 在巴黎品酒会上排名第三. 20个月后, 它在旧金山葡萄酒品鉴会上举行的白葡萄酒比赛中获得了第一名. 茱莉亚·查尔德主厨参观查龙葡萄园时, she reportedly said they had created the first non-French wines that she liked!

33) Spring Mountain Vineyard’s Chardonnay ranked high in the white wine competition.


34) Veedercrest葡萄园的第一个商业年份霞多丽(Chardonnay)被列入白葡萄酒品鉴.

虽然他们的1972年霞多丽是Veedercrest葡萄园的第一个官方年份, winemaker Al Baxter was already a passionate home winemaker. 兴趣广泛的人, 他在加州大学伯克利分校学习并教授哲学后,进入了商业酿酒行业.

35) David Bruce 酒ry was entered into the white wine tasting, 但却以他们的红酒而闻名.

大卫·布鲁斯酒厂的同名酿酒师实际上既是皮肤科医生又是酿酒师. His 1973 Chardonnay was entered into the Chardonnay tasting, but today the winery is well known for its incredible Pinot Noir.




自1976年首届比赛以来,已经举办了许多纪念品酒会. 1978年,第一次旧金山葡萄酒品鉴会在20个月后举行. Official tastings have also taken place for the 10th and 30th anniversaries.


The movie “Bottle Shock” was inspired by the events of the Judgment of Paris, 虽然大部分故事都是虚构的.



40) The 纳帕 Valley wine industry has exploded over the past 40 years.

Before the Paris tasting, there were approximately 67 wineries in the 纳帕 Valley. 如今,这一数字已超过400. The Judgment of Paris forever changed the California wine trade.



wineccountry是由一个专注而充满激情的葡萄酒,美食和旅游爱好者团队组成的. 我们孜孜不倦地探索远近地区,以策划最好的想法和资源. 不管你是在思考你的下一个葡萄酒冒险, 计划一个浪漫的周末, 在家享受葡萄酒之乡的生活方式, 或者只是想娱乐一下, 相信我们是您的全面指导.